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Strength Training for Tennis Players

Read the article written by one of RAWs highly experienced trainer’s

As well as the physical attributes that you will gain as outlined in the article, strength training improves your confidence on the court too. Being stronger helps you to focus better, make correct decisions as well as reducing injury and improving recovery.

Tennis requires strength, agility, and power. Strength is the base for all 3 qualities. Improving lower body and upper body strength will lead to more power hitting the ball and an improved ability to move around the tennis court.  It is similar to taking a car and installing a more powerful engine and better brakes.

The energy demands of tennis are 99% Anaerobic (high intensity bouts of work with medium to short recovery periods). The average point length for an amateur tennis match is 6 seconds. The work to rest ratio is 1 to 4. For every 6 seconds of work, players will rest an average of 24 seconds.


Improving body composition (the ratio of muscle mass to fat mass) as well as relative strength (strength to body weight ratio) will greatly increase one’s anaerobic endurance and power. Going back to the car analogy, it would be the same as removing useless weight in the car and improving the power of the engine.


Athletes are only as strong as their weakest links. Having weak hamstrings, knee stabilizers, erector spinae, and shoulder stabilisers will lead to energy leaks, inefficient movement, poor posture and eventually overuse injuries. A well designed strength training program will address all these issues. Once again going back to the car analogy, it would be the same as fine tuning the engine and working on the alignment.


At RAW we offer Sport specific strength training and conditioning programs designed to improve all the issues stated above. Our 2400 square feet personal training studio is fully equipped. We also offer body composition analysis and nutritional consulting.


The myth of weight training for children


Assessment and health background are just as important as modifying programs because bones are still growing and the growth plates have not yet fused. This doesn’t mean children shouldn’t train or that doing so will stunt growth, cause injury, or decrease bone strength. Rather, if well taught and supervised, youth resistance training can be fun, help prevent sports and recreational injuries, support self-confidence, and prepare kids to be healthy teenagers and adults.


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